Each One Teaches One

Each One Teaches One (E1T1) is a peer mentoring program designed to connect incoming freshmen to The Ohio State University at Lima community.  During this program students will also be matched, via an application process, with a successful student mentor of a similar background and interests. Students who participate in the E1T1 program learn about campus resources and build meaningful relationships with the campus community.

Mentee Registration

Mentee Requirements:

  • Must be an incoming first-year freshman
  • Complete the E1T1 Application


  • Incoming freshmen (mentees) will be matched with a current upperclassmen student who has successfully gone through our application process and who has completed the Mentor Training.
  • Mentees will meet with their Mentors throughout their entire first year to ask questions, get advice, and to engage in the campus community
  • Upon completion of each semester within the first year mentees will be eligible to receive a gift card
  • Mentees who are successful in the program are eligible to become Mentors the following year

Mentor Application