Committee Descriptions

Undergraduate Research Mentorship Committee:

The goal of this committee and the attendant reward system is to encourage faculty to actively engage students in research and creative inquiry, and to encourage and reward students for engaging in such activities. This opportunity should increase the number of undergraduate students participating in conferences or other scholarly venues to share high quality undergraduate research projects.

Responsibilities: The URMC organizes The Ohio State Lima Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Forum; participation in the Lima Forum is required for award eligibility (see list of awards below). Participation in other forums and programs is encouraged as well; the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Spring Undergraduate Research Festival, the Undergraduate Research Library Fellowship or publication in JUROS are examples of appropriate venues.

Awards available for faculty:

  • Annual Student Mentorship Award
  • Faculty Award for Sustained Student Mentorship

Awards Available for Students:

  • Student Research Scholarship Award
  • Research funding

The URMC committee maintains a webpage with detailed information about each award, the application forms and deadlines ( The committee reviews the applications and decides which awards to grant. Additionally, the committee meets to review and revise the format of the Lima Research and Creative Inquiry Forum and the associated reward system. Finally, the committee provides support to faculty and students interested in pursuing a presentation at the Lima Forum.

Professional Development Committee (PDC)

Duties: the Committee oversees Special Assignments, Faculty Professional Leave applications, Research and Special Project Grants, and the Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award. It also promotes professional development opportunities for associated faculty. In all instances, the chair of the Committee issues the call, coordinates review of the proposals by the members of the committee, and both drafts and submits the statement of recommendations to the Dean.

The committee also assigns faculty mentors to new junior faculty.

The Committee issues a call for proposals for Special Assignment early in the Autumn Semester. Committee members review and rank proposals; recommendations are then submitted to the Dean and Associate Dean. Proposals are due by 1 November and the recommendations to the Dean by 1 December.

The Committee issues a call for applications for Faculty Professional Leave (FPL) at the same time as Special Assignments. FPLs are handled in a similar manner, but dates must be coordinated with deadlines for grants and the Fulbright program.

The Committee issues a call for proposals for Research and Special Projects Grants late in the autumn semester. Committee members review and rank proposals; and submit recommendations the Dean and Associate Dean. Proposals are due early in the spring semester (typically mid- to late January), and the Committee recommendations to the Dean by 15 February.

The Committee issues a call for nominations for the Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award early in the Spring Semester. Proposals are due by 1 March and the Committee recommendations to the Dean by 15 March.

Faculty Leadership

Duties: set Faculty Assembly meeting agendas; run Faculty Assembly elections; communicate faculty concerns and inputs to the administration; conduct “State of the Campus” reviews; conduct Administration reviews. The faculty assembly president is the person to turn to with any complaint/issue/position that needs advocacy and a neutral point of view. Every faculty member is encouraged to bring any concerns to the faculty assembly vice president or president. Staff members are encouraged to bring their concerns to the LSAC president.

Academic Affairs

Duties: the Academic Affairs Committee advises the Dean and Director or designee concerning course offerings, and develops recommendations for long-range curricular and faculty staffing plans. The Committee offers recommendations to the Dean as to whether or not positions that become vacant, either temporarily or permanently, should be filled, and how. Normally, such recommendations apply to positions that are not managed by departmental coordinators on an ad hoc seasonal basis.

The Committee also reviews the curriculum to make sure that the course offerings at Lima are responsive to the broadest possible array of needs expressed by existing and potential future students.

The Committee approves new majors and minors, and monitors degree programs to make sure they are fulfilling their original rationales and makes suggestions as to how they might be improved, if necessary. The Committee can ask each program to complete a self-assessment on a regular basis.

The Committee responds to proposals of curricular changes or special academic offerings and makes recommendations regarding their implementation.

The Committee addresses the library-related needs of the Lima Campus community, and discusses any questions with the Library Director. The Library Director serves on the Academic Affairs Committee in an ex-officio capacity, to be present whenever the library is on the agenda.

Teaching & Academic Practices (TAP)

Duties: the TAP will oversee functions related to teaching and the student academic experience. These areas will include assisting faculty members in coordinating a peer reviewer for teaching observations; serving as the liaison with the student committee for the annual Teaching Excellence Award; coordination of the Honors Program; and coordination with various sources (e.g., Digital Flagship, ODEE) on matters related to teaching with technology. The TAP may initiate and organize campus-wide events on teaching.

The Teaching Award is voted on by the students. The organizing committee for this consists of the previous year’s winner, a member of the TAP and the student senate leader.

Strategic Action

Duties: The committee will have an active role in designing the strategic plan, in concert with the administration. The Strategic Planning Committee will coordinate the implementation and monitor the progress of the campus strategic plan; monitor and make recommendations about the Ohio State Lima budget as it impacts the strategic planning of the campus; advise the Dean and Associate Dean in the allocation of resources in the annual budget; inform faculty and staff about the budget; and communicate faculty and staff input on budget and space issues such as building projects and renovations to the Dean and Associate Dean.

The committee meets after Fall enrollment numbers are finalized and again in early Spring so the Faculty Assembly’s comments on the budget can be relayed to the Dean and Director before the annual budget is due.

Outreach, Service, and Engagement

Duties: select a Service Award winner each year, in Spring Semester. One of the first meetings of this committee would be to determine the criteria for this award.

Manage the big-picture list of events for the year and figure out how to make them happen, in coordination with the Assistant Dean’s office. Organize working groups of volunteers to run events like STEAM on the Quad, STEM Steps, MakerFest, and other outreach events.

Faculty Salary

Advises the Dean.