For Parents

Counseling Services will return for Autumn Semester

If you are in need of assistance before that time, below are several resources you may want to consider.

If you need immediate assistance, please utilize one of the following emergency resources:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 9-8-8
    • For Veterans’ Crisis Line press 1
  • National 24/7 Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
  • 24/7 Ohio State University Crisis Line for students:  614-292-5766 option #2
  • The Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ youth):  866-488-7386 or text START to 678-678
  • I’m Alive online chat at 
  • Crisis Text Line:  Text START to 741-741

Other resources for Ohio State Students:  Visit Lima Counseling Services website for a list of additional resources available to OSU Lima students:

If you are in need of therapy / counseling

  • Check with your health insurance provider to find a list of therapists in your area that are covered 
  • Check with your employer (or parents’ employers) to see if an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) is available to you.  These usually provide several free sessions to employees and their dependents. 
  • There are several reputable sites for telehealth therapy services.  Some will accept health insurance.  Others are cash only, but some financial assistance may be available. 

If you are concerned about your son or daughter’s mental health, you are welcome to call us. You may share your concerns with the therapist that takes your call. We may be able to offer suggestions for you to help your child with whatever they’re struggling with. We can give you the information he / she will need to make an appointment with us.

We do not accept appointments made by anyone other than the student. And, we do not approach students about their potential struggles unless we have reason to believe that student is a danger to him/herself or others. We can however offer several suggestions for ways you may encourage your child to call and make an appointment that will increase the odds that he/she will follow through. Why do we operate this way?

We have found that students who take responsibility for their own healthcare (mental or physical) are more invested in the process. They take the process more seriously and are more likely to work at finding solutions and implementing them. This process helps them feel like an independent adult, and that is part of the journey through college.

Please know, that we uphold the strictest levels of confidentiality for both ethical and legal reasons and we will not be able to share any information about your son or daughter (who is 18 years of age or older) with you without his/her signed consent. This includes whether or not an individual student has been to see us for services, how many appointments an individual has had, and why they may have come. If we are asked these questions, we simply respond that we are unable to answer the question.

In order for students to agree to come for help, they often need to feel that it is ok and accepted by their parents. While this can be a difficult topic to discuss, it is important to talk with your son or daughter about how they’re doing or getting help if they’re struggling. Follow the links below for more information about talking to your college student about mental health.


If you have reason to believe that your son or daughter is in imminent danger of harming him/herself or others, please call 911. You may also contact the Ohio State Lima Police Division:

Sergeant Tony Swygart
You may also call Counseling Services and we will take any steps that we are able to ensure the student receives proper care.
If it is after hours and you are unable to reach anyone on campus, you may call 9-1-1 at any time to report an emergency situation.

If you are in need of immediate help, feel you’re in danger of harming yourself or someone else, or are feeling suicidal, please contact one or more of the following:

* We Care Crisis Center – 24/7 phone assistance or walk-in care
799 S. Main St., Lima, OH
1-800-567-HOPE (4673)
* National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8

* 9-1-1