Academic advisors assist our students as they explore the educational opportunities that can be obtained through an Ohio State University education. Through goal setting and mapping out educational objectives and strategies, our academic advisors work to ensure our student success. We strongly encourage students to take full advantage of the resources that are available to them through the Academic Advising Office.

Academic Advising
The Office of Academic Advising is located:
4240 Campus Drive
Galvin Hall room 335
Lima, OH 45804
Operational Hours:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Academic Probation
The OSU Academic Probation and Warning policy is available HERE
Dropping/Withdrawing from a Course
There are specific deadlines relating to the dropping of a class. There may also be financial aid implications.
After reviewing the impact with Financial Aid, students may drop a course from their Student Center through Friday of the 4th week of the semester without a W.
For more specific and complete information, students should CLICK HERE
Fresh Start
Fresh Start may be an options for students re-enrolling after five (5) or more years. For more information CLICK HERE
Grade Forgiveness Policy
Need to retake a class? For more information on Grade Forgiveness, please CLICK HERE
Reinstatement Process
Have questions about coming back to OSU after dismissal? For more information on the Reinstatement Process, please CLICK HERE
Each fall, around 1,500 students who started their degree programs at one of Ohio State’s regional campuses move to the Columbus campus to complete their course work. Because we know that the transition to the Columbus campus can be a bit complicated, this LINK serves as a clearinghouse of answers to common questions and helpful resources.
Contact Us
4240 Campus Drive
Galvin Hall room 335
Lima, OH 45804
Are you a current or returning student?
Do you have a quick question? Phone counseling may be a perfect option for you! A phone counselor is on duty Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Schedule an advising appointment. 567-242-7510.
E-mail an advisor. E-mail is a very convenient way to contact an academic advisor; remember email is not a secure form of communication, please do not include your SSN in your message. For security purposes, please e-mail us directly from your Ohio State e-mail account.
Are you transferring to Ohio State?
Prior to transferring to Ohio State, students may have questions about how their credits will be applied to a particular program. More information on the transfer process.
Student Success Programs at Ohio State Lima are designed to provide opportunities for students to fully immerse themselves in the college experience in and out of the classroom. Students who participate in our success programs can enhance and develop study strategies, build meaningful relationships with the campus community, and have the ability to participate in once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
If you have any questions about our Student Success Programs or would like information, please contact Julie Paxton at or at 567-242-7199 or Alyssa Brown at or 567-242-7263.
Read these important considerations when planning your course schedule.
Adjusting Your Schedule
Checking Your Degree Progress
Read about Ohio State's degree audit system.
Transfer Student?
Print your transfer credit report and see how your courses have transferred to Ohio State.
Do you have a burning question? We may already have your answer. Check out our FAQs and if there are still additional questions, contact the Office of Academic Advising at 567-242-7510
University Transfer Credit Policy
General questions about your transfer credits may be answered by going to the following resources:
Course Applicability System(CAS) CAS provides information on courses, course equivalencies, and program requirements at a CAS institution to anyone who accesses a CAS web site. CAS provides information on how specific course work will transfer and apply towards a degree at a CAS institution. This web site has information for students who are coming from a college/university in Ohio. There are other participating institutions: Arizona, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Washington. If you are out-of-state, CAS may not be the right place for you. The Transfer Credit Center may be able to assist you.
Transfer Credit Report This document will help you understand how your courses were evaluated.
Degree Audit Reporting System(DARS) The degree planning tool will help you understand how your transfer credit was used to satisfy certain degree requirements. How to Read Your Degree Audit Report
Please schedule an appointment with an academic advisor if you have further questions/concerns