Bachelor Degrees

Ohio State Lima offers 13 four-year Bachelor's Degree programs allowing students the opportunity to earn their degree from the No. 1 public university in the state. Providing access to a Big-10 quality education with the affordability of a regional campus.

The following degree programs can be completed in Lima:


Start any of Ohio State's 200+ majors at Lima and finish in Columbus

Baccalaureate Completion Programs

Upgrade your associate's degree to a bachelor's degree to make yourself more marketable in the workplace!

  • Social Work *for Rhodes State College Human Services graduates only

Pre-professional Preparation

Professional degree programs look for students with well-rounded educations, strong academic profiles and the successful completion of specific prerequisites. If you are interested in going on for a professional degree, all of our baccalaureate programs can be used as preparation for many pre-professional programs including Law, Medicine, Podiatry, Dentistry, Optometry, Veterinary Medicine, Chiropractics and Mortuary Science.