Buckeyes Thrive
09/10 World Suicide Prevention Day
All day outside GA 107
Stop by to pick up or leave a message of hope and a ribbon for suicide awareness
09/12 Creating Space: Support for BIPOC students and allies (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 via Zoom
09/19 International Butterscotch Pudding Day
All day – watch for free pudding around campus
09/19 Voter Registration Drive (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 p.m. in the Webb and Galvin Hall lobbies
09/20 Ohio Caverns Trip (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
09/23 Meet the Homecoming Court (Office of Student Engagement)
09/23 Voter Registration Drive (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 p.m. in the Webb and Galvin Hall lobbies
09/25 Art Therapy: Squeegee Painting drop-in workshop
The Webb Patio (lobby in bad weather)
Stop by to try out squeegee painting. All supplies provided
ADHD Awareness Month
LGBTQ History Month
10/01 International Coffee Day
Watch for free coffee around campus
10/03 National Depression Screening Day
10:00-1:00 GA 107
Stop in any time during the open hours to participate in a brief mental health screening; check with your professors about earning extra credit for this one
10/03 CAB: Outdoor Movie Night (Office of Student Engagement)
10/08 Half-Way There Party (Office of Student Engagement)
10/09 Wellness with Welker: Canvas Painting (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
10/10 World Mental Health Awareness Day
All day outside GA 107
Stop by to learn more about mental health
10/10 Creating Space: Support for BIPOC students and allies (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 via Zoom
10/16 Wellness Fair (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
LCCS: Make Your Own Healthy Snack to go
12:00-1:00 PW 106
10/17 ADHD and Autism Screening Day
10:00-1:00 GA 107
Stop in any time during the open hours to participate in a brief screening for ADHD and Autism and get more information about both
10/23 Wellness with Welker: Buckeye Tie-Dye (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
10/28 National Chocolate Day
All day – watch for free chocolate around campus
10/31 Halloween Costume Contest and Fun Run (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
LCCS: Free S’mores on the patio (outside PW)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
11/08 National First Generation College Student Day (Office of Retention)
11:00-1:00 PW Lobby
Celebrating the unique experiences of members of the Ohio State community who identify as first-generation.
11/13 Art Therapy: Neurographic Art drop-in Workshop
11:00-1:00 PW Lobby
Stop in for a quick tutorial and try out neurographic art! All supplies provided.
11/13 Intramural eSports Tournament (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
11/14 Creating Space: Support for BIPOC students and allies (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 via Zoom
11/18-11/22 Board Game Days - stop by any of several locations to play for a bit with other students.
All day - Galvin basement, Galvin 1st floor lobby, Webb lobby
11/20 Wellness with Welker: Friendsgiving Potluck (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
12/02 Stress Less Week: Meditation and Relaxation Workshop
1:00-1:30 PW 106
Join us for a brief demonstration of relaxation and meditation exercises to get you through finals.
12/03 Stress Less Week: Make-Your-Own Snack Mix
11:00-1:00 Webb Lobby
Come make your own snack mix with a variety of treats to fuel your study sessions.
12/04 Stress Less Week: Stress Management with LCCS
11:30-1:30 PW Lobby
Use all your senses to de-stress with lots of free supplies and tools to help
12/04 Wellness with Welker: Hip Hop Dance Class (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
12:00-1:00 PW 106
12/12 Creating Space: Support for BIPOC students and allies (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)
12:40-1:40 via Zoom
01/06 National Cuddle Up Day
11:0-1:00 (or while supplies last) Webb Lobby
We’ll be handing out fleece throws to keep you warm & cozy!
01/13 Mental Health Mondays: Neurographic Art Workshop
11:00-1:00 Webb Lobby
Stop in for a quick tutorial and try out neurographic art! All supplies provided.
01/23 Wellness Fair (Campus Recreation & Wellness)
LCCS: Make Your Own Healthy Snack to go
12:00-1:00 Webb Lobby
01/27 Mental Health Mondays: UV Resin Keychains
11:00-1:00 Webb Lobby
02/10-02/14 Random Acts of Kindness Week
02/10 Mental Health Mondays: Helium Balloons in the Galvin 1st floor hall
All day
Watch for freebies!
02/24 Mental Health Mondays: Aluminum Foil art
11:00-1:00 Webb Lobby
Stop in for a quick tutorial and try out foil art! All supplies provided.
This project was funded by Prevention Action Alliance with support from the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.