Eclipse Science Series: Total Solar Eclipse's Impact on our Weather and Other Interesting Atmospheric Phenomena

Dustin Norman
March 21, 2024
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Life and Physical Sciences Building 100
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About this event

Dustin Norman, warning coordination meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Northern Indiana

Eclipses change the world around us, however briefly, including the weather. Meteorologist Dustin Norman will talk about what we can expect on April 8 and will also delve into some of the other interesting weather phenomena that pop up in the Midwest. 

Speaker's bio

Born and raised in Central Florida, Dustin has always been passionate about the weather and anything science related. His future in the field of atmospheric science was solidified by several notable weather events during his youth. Dustin attended college at Florida State University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology with a Minor in Mathematics. He also holds a certificate as a Computer Programming Specialist. Dustin has spent most of his career with the National Weather Service in Tampa, FL and Reno, NV which has provided him with a vast amount of tropical and mountain meteorology experience. In the Fall of 2023, Dustin accepted the promotion to Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the Northern Indiana weather forecast office which serves 37 counties across northern Indiana, northwest Ohio, and southern Michigan. The Warning Coordination Meteorologist serves as the principal interface between the National Weather Service and the users of its products and services. He is also fully responsible for planning, coordinating, and carrying out the WFO area-wide public awareness program designed to educate the public to ensure the mitigation of death, injury, and property damage or loss caused by hazardous weather events.

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