Chris Arzanan

My name is Chris Arzanan and I’m a third-year student majoring in Engineering Technology. My scholarship story is a little different, but very evident that sometimes, these things come together in the most unusual ways.

I’m originally from Dayton area and always wanted to come to Ohio State. I graduated in 2020, and rather than move away during the COVID lock down, I decided to stay at home for a year and go to school at Sinclair Community College. When everything opened back up and I came to Ohio State Lima to schedule with my advisor, I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in. I always loved technology and working with my hands. My advisor suggested the new Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology degree. 

This has been a great fit for me. I love my robotics, circuits, and PLC classes. My instructor, Tony Shoup, is clearly very passionate about the subject and teaching. I had thought about going to the Columbus campus to finish my degree in Computer Science Engineering, but I’m glad I made the decision to stay here, for multiple reasons. 

I’ve always worked to pay for my tuition and living expenses up here. I attend classes during the week and work every weekend at DHL Supply Chain Company within the P&G Dayton Mixing Center in Vandalia. I’ve worked there for three years and have enjoyed seeing first-hand the constant improvement that P&G puts into the technology of not only their products, but also the processes and logistics of transporting it. 

Going to school all week and working all weekend has been challenging, but not completely impossible. I’ve gotten scholarship support along the way to help fill some gaps. But the greatest stoke of good fortune came this year when I was offered a full tuition scholarship that was designated for engineering technology majors. Imagine my surprise and relief! 

Having a full tuition scholarship means I am more likely to take some chances and do some internships that I otherwise might not have. I have a safety net now that will provide some cushion if an internship requires me to move or pays less than my current job 

Remember how I told you that my current job is at the P&G Dayton Mixing Center? And I said that things come together in the most unusual ways? The benefactor for the full tuition scholarship is none other than P&G Lima. I had the opportunity to meet with their plant manager and HR manager recently and they want me to apply for an internship. 

I believe the word for this is “serendipity.” I call it gratitude and recognition that hard work pays off when people believe in the power of giving back and paying forward.