Eligibility: Any student at Ohio State Lima is eligible to receive this award with the backing of a faculty mentor.
Research Funding
Funding may be provided for up to $500 per student to cover the cost of research-related expenses (e.g., poster, printing, travel). If there are more than two students working on one project, the sponsoring faculty member should contact the URMC as soon as is practicable to discuss the level of support required. These funds may be awarded after the research is completed or, if a student needs monetary assistance in order to complete a project, she or he may apply to the URMC at any point to receive that assistance.
Funding can be used for travel to conferences, provided students a) present research at the conference, and b) also present this research at the Lima Campus Undergraduate Research Forum. Documentation of student expenses will be required, and no proposal for funds will be approved without the recommendation of a faculty member involved in the project.