The following internships are available to English majors and minors. Internships earn up to 5 credit hours, as arranged by agreement with the employer and your supervising professor.
- The Lima News: proofreading and writing at least one article for the paper.
- The Lima News: marketing/advertising and research.
- WOHL: marketing and research
- WTLW: web management, marketing, research, and sales
- Working Seniors and other newsletters published in the Lima area: research and write and provide photographs for articles.
- The City of Lima, Department of Community Development
- Other: If you have other ideas for internships, consult Rachel Richardson or a member of the English Department.
“A great resume-builder, the internship can open doors for interns in the future.” – Kelli Hampton, OSU-Lima graduate.
“The internship is a helpful preparation for entrance into the workforce. It’s a fun way to meet people who were once students in the same spot that we are in now and have since become prominent in their chosen field .” - Ashly Casey, OSU-Lima English major
For More Information
Rachel Richardson, Career Development Manager
phone: 567-242-7202