Adopted TBD
Draft 8.11.21
The name of the Council shall be the Ohio State Lima Staff Advisory Council (LSAC).
The Mission of the Ohio State Lima Staff Advisory Council will be to provide an active and participatory forum for staff members and to serve as a liaison to campus leadership concerning issues affecting staff relating to trends in employment, evaluation, compensation, recognition, and professional development.
To serve this mission, the Ohio State Lima Staff Advisory Council shall:
- maintain a consistent line of communication amongst staff members.
- engage and build relationships with the University Staff Advisory Committee on the Columbus campus.
- facilitate a forum for staff to raise and discuss non-academic, non-Human Resource related concerns on the Lima campus.
- promote a campus culture rooted in community and continued professional development.
- serve as an advisory committee to the Dean and senior leadership.
- provide recognition of staff members who exemplify the traditions and aims of Ohio State Lima.
The membership of the Council shall be limited to 10 members. These members will be selected by the committee through application and confirmed by the Dean. If there are low applications, the council may appoint ex-officio members as needed and confirmed by the Dean and current Chair of the council.
- The Council should be a diverse collective from the various departments on campus.
- The membership of the Council shall be selected from Ohio State Lima staff members from the following classifications: civil service (CCS) and unclassified administrative and professional (UAP). Staff who are at least 50% FTE or above are eligible to apply to LSAC, this includes Columbus employees who solely serve the Lima Campus.
- This body is not meant to serve as those official representative organizations in the matter of labor disputes.
- In the application selection process, diversity in department representation should be given priority.
Terms of Service
- A full term is three years beginning at the beginning of each autumn with the fiscal year after appointment to the Council. Ideally, no member shall serve longer than three consecutive years, including the balance of any unexpired term initially assumed. There shall be a minimum twelve-month waiting period before any member who has served a full term can be eligible for reappointment to the Council. The Chair will serve as an ex officio member one year following the close of term.
- The term of service for the Council officers will be one year.
- Ideally Terms of service will be staggered so that no more than two council members will be replaced per year.
- In the event that a member has served a consecutive 3 years depending on the applicant pool the member may be eligible to extend their term without a waiting period. If there is a considerable number of applications, the member would need to wait the 12 months
Any Ohio State Lima staff member not serving on the Senior Leadership Team. Member will need to be part of the regular staff (CCS, A&P) at OSU Lima.
Any member wishing to resign from the Council shall submit his/her resignation in writing to the Dean and the Council chair.
A member of the Council may be removed from membership for any of the following:
- non-attendance at Council meetings,
- non-participation on Council assignments, and
- other causes as determined by the Council whenever in its judgment, the best interests of Ohio State Lima would be served.
Membership Selection and Filling of Vacancies
- Staff members may show interest in serving a council term by applying during the application period. The Council will select applicants from the pool based on the number of vacant seats. These applicants will be recommended to the Dean for final approval.
- Based on vacancies and applicant pool we may open an additional application period at the beginning of both autumn and spring semester
There shall be three Officer positions: The Chair, Chair-Elect, and Recorder. Each of these positions will be selected by the committee by a majority-rule vote for a 1-year term to begin on July 1 of the new fiscal year, except for the position of Chair, which will be filled by the former Chair-Elect. Elected positions require 1-year LSAC membership. At the end of each council term officer positions can be reevaluated – depending on memberships, officers could have a longer term.
Duties of the Chair
- The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Ohio State Lima Staff Advisory Council.
- The Chair will represent the Council at any meetings with campus leadership or USAC when needed.
- The Chair is responsible for maintaining the Council budget.
- The Chair, with the assistance of the Chair-Elect, reviews all requests received to the LSAC Hardship Fund.
- Plan and recruit new members
Duties of the Chair-Elect
- The Chair-Elect assumes the duties of the Chair in the event the Chair is absent.
- The Chair-Elect shall prepare all agendas for closed and business meetings.
- The Chair-Elect manages the LSAC Hardship Fund and, along with the Chair, reviews all submitted requests to the fund.
- The Chair-Elect will be responsible for any other tasks or duties as assigned by the Chair.
- Assists the chair with new member recruitment
- Meet with deans, as needed.
Duties of the Recorder
- The Recorder will be responsible for recording the minutes of all regular and special full Council meetings.
- The Recorder will be responsible for maintaining the LSAC website and all documents, current or archived.
- The Recorder will be responsible for any other tasks or duties as assigned by the Chair.
- Maintain LSAC website
Responsibilities of other active members
All other members of the Council will be given a duty pertinent to Council outreach not otherwise defined in an officer position. These duties will be determined by the chair which could include birthday recognition, volunteer liaison, event planning, Star Bucks, and any other duties determined necessary by the Council.
The Lima Staff Advisory Council will hold three types of regular public meetings: Business Meetings, Special Meetings, and Professional Development. The Council will hold regular closed meetings in preparation for Business, Special, or Professional Development. Additionally, the executive committee will meet with the dean during the months between regularly scheduled meetings.
Business Meetings
- Regular business meetings of the Council will be held at least once a month in the months of September, November, January, March, and May.
- These meetings are open to all staff not serving as a member of senior leadership. Members of senior leadership may be invited to contribute to the meeting’s agenda when necessary.
- LSAC recognize staff as employees who are at least %50 or above
- Staff members will be invited to submit topics for discussion in advance.
- Staff members must be allowed to retain anonymity and submit their concerns or suggestions to LSAC. Notecards can be dispersed at the beginning of each meeting, to be turned in and addressed either privately or at the next meeting.
Special Meetings
- Special meetings may be called as needed to address concerns raised to the Council via Business Meetings or the anonymous Feedback Forum.
- These meetings are closed to members of senior leadership, unless invited to address topics on the meeting agenda.
Professional Development
- Professional Development meetings will be scheduled during the months of October, February, and April, and additionally as desired.
- These meetings offer opportunities for professional development in the form of “Lunch and Learn” sessions, webinars, or other trainings which allow staff to experience the abundant university resources and other opportunities to develop staff knowledge and skills.
- Professional Development meetings are open to all staff, including Senior Leadership.
Bylaws may be amended as deemed necessary by the Council, with final consideration and approval by the Dean and staff quorum.