Biology Microscopy - Biodiversity
Domain Bacteria
Organisms known as archaea (archaebacteria) belong to the Domain Archaea, and are typically chemosynthetic. They share the characteristics of prokaryotes (no membrane-bound organelles; genes on a ring of DNA rather than real chromosomes; usually quite small) with the bacteria, which belong to the Domain Bacteria. In lab, we are only concerned with the Domain Bacteria. For these organisms, cell shape (bacillus, coccus or spirillum) and gram-stain (positive or negative) are among the more practical means of classification.
For many species of "true" bacteria, the known biology still does not allow a reasonable means of classifying them into groups that are both closely related and recognizable. Thus, we consider them Eubacteria. These are typically heterotrophic cells with walls containing peptidoglycan. There are numerous (not always widely agreed upon) phylum-level categories and evolutionary lineages. They may be motile or not. Examples of common types of Eubacteria include the following:
gram negative bacilli
Note the color (pink is negative) and shape (bacillus is rod-shaped).
gram positive bacilli
Note the color (purple is positive) and shape (bacillus is rod-shaped).
gram negative cocci
Note the color (pink is negative) and shape (coccus is spherical).
gram positive cocci
Note the color (purple is positive) and shape (coccus is spherical).
some of these bacteria form endospores, which resist harsh environments.
Phylum Spirochetes
The spirillum (helical) shape distinguishes this group of heterotrophic bacteria, which tend to be large for prokaryotes and often possess flagella.
Note shape and flagella (at ends).
Phylum Cyanobacteria
These autotrophic, algal-like organisms appear plantlike, but their chlorophyll a appears in photosynthetic lamellae (not true chloroplasts). They are, however, prokaryotic, and some species fix nitrogen in specialized cells called heterocysts (see Anabaena). In general, their size is intermediate between other bacteria and the unicellular protists.
This apparently multi-cellular form consists of ribbon-like chains of cells.
This form also has chains of cells, but these are smaller and embedded in a gelatinous matrix; note the heterocysts.
Similar in form to Anabaena.
Photosynthetic Protists
These quite different organisms share the traits of being unicellular (occasionally colonial), aquatic and photosynthetic. They almost certainly are unrelated evolutionarily, however similar ecologically.
Phylum Rhodophyta
These are the most unusual algae, possessing chlorophylls a and d and simple, primitive chloroplasts, and never possessing flagella. The reddish color typical of these algae is due to an accessory pigment, phycoerythrin. Most species are marine and tropical.
Polysiphonia: This is a filamentous alga with distinctly different male (antheridia – A) and female (cystocarps – C) reproductive structures during the sexual phase of their lives. An asexual stage includes tetraspores (T). All reproductive structures occur with vegetative cells (V).
Phylum Phaeophyta
Some of these are the largest algae (or protists, if you group the Phaeophyta there), reaching lengths of nearly 100 meters. They possess chlorophylls a and c, like some of the unicellular algae, and store energy as the carbohydrate laminarin (named for a genus of kelp). Their frequently large size has required that some kind of internal conduction of dissolved substances occur, although they are never truly vascular. Most species are marine and are found in cool temperate regions.
Fucus: A common intertidal brown alga on rocky coasts in regions of cool water. The sexes are separate in this form which spends most of its life as a diploid gametophyte. Female conceptacles (F) are located on the blades of female plants; they contain archegonia (O), which produce eggs. Male conceptacles (M) are located on the blades of male plants; they contain antheridia (A), which produce sperm. These are cross sections.
Laminaria: Another common brown alga, but found attached in deeper waters offshore. This genus includes some of the larger species of kelps. Here we see the relatively simple structure of the leaf-like blade in cross section. It has numerous zoospores (Z) on its surface.
Phylum Chlorophyta
This group of algae is mostly fresh-water, and is fairly diverse; it is the only group of algae that is not a dead-end, evolutionarily (i.e., it, alone, apparently gave rise to terrestrial plants). All members possess chlorophylls a and b, and store energy as starch; typically, they are not as large or as complex as many of the Phaeophyta. One evolutionary trend seen among the green algae is that of increasingly larger colonies of simple, flagella-bearing cells.
Gonium is a little raft of typically 16 cells, and represents the smaller colony end of this coloniality series.
Volvox is a huge colony of hundreds of cells. By means of coordinated flagellar action, it swims with a tumbling action. Volvox reproduces both asexually (note internally budded daughter colonies - D) and sexually (note macrogametes (L) and microgametes (S) inside some colonies; these stain darker).
Spirogyra, named for its large, spiral-shaped chloroplast (C), is an example of filamentous algae consisting of chains of cells.This alga reproduces sexually by a type of conjugation during which haploid filaments align and adjacent cells (gametes – G) combine to form diploid zygotes (Z).
Chara This is a fairly simple green alga of fresh water, with distinct reproductive structures (R), attached to the vegetative (V), or non-reproductive, cells. Bothantheridia (A) and oogonia (O) can be seen.
Ulva This is a very simple green alga of sea coasts. It consists of a couple of layers of very simple photosynthetic cells, in both the haploid and diploid portions of its life cycle.
Phylum Bacillariophyta
These cells possess chlorophyll a and c, other, yellow-brown, pigments, and double shells containing silica.
Diatoms: These organisms are either elongate (bilateral symmetry) or with radial symmetry.
Phylum Dinoflagellata (Pyrrophyta)
These cells possess chlorophyll a and c, two flagella, and a shell of cellulose plates.
Ceratium: These organisms have several points or horns to their shells; flagella are not very obvious.
Phylum Euglenophyta
These cells have no cell wall (although they do generally have a definite, though flexible, shape), chlorophyll a and b, and possess a flagellum or two.
Euglena: The flagellum, which is difficult to see, pulls the cell through the water like a propeller; some forms are heterotrophic.
Fungus like Protists
There are at least two unrelated groups of organisms that are more like the fungi than any other group of multi-cellular organisms, but actually have some characteristics of organisms in each of the multi-cellular kingdoms. Since we do not have the material to distinguish these in laboratory, we will just consider this group of organisms as Slime Molds.
Ceratiomyxa: This organism shows both cytoplasmic streaming (frozen in this preserved specimen) and spore production. Note the pseudopod-like extensions of cytoplasm and the tiny spores scattered on its surface.
Phylum Oomycota
Organisms in this group possess cellulose cell walls surrounding diploid cells; reproduction involves flagellated zoospores.
Saprolegnia: This is one of the water molds, a common type of fungus in this group, which also contains the infamous potato blight. You may be able to see sporangia or zoospores, but the most obvious identifying feature is the spherical oogonium (O), with rather large gametes inside and finger-like antheridia (A) curled around it; hyphae (H) are also present.
Protozoa (the animal-like protists)
All were once considered fairly closely related because of their clear animal-like traits (motility, e.g.), they are currently considered to exhibit widely varied levels of relatedness. In spite of the possible lack of phylogenetic closeness, they do share such characteristics as heterotrophy (mostly via ingestion of nutrients) and motility; many are rather complex and possess real behaviors.
Phylum Zoomastigina
The feature that is most distinctive is the flagellum, given their eukaryotic condition and absence of chloroplasts. Flagella are frequently relatively long and few in number, but are best distinguished by how they move the cell: either pulling the cell by a propeller-like movement near the tip, or pushing the cell like the tail of a tadpole or sperm cell.
Trichonympha: These organisms (Y) have many long flagella; they are mutualists in the guts of termites and related insects, digesting the cellulose that has been eaten. The slide is a smear of termite gut contents.
Trypanosoma: These organisms have a single flagellum held against the cell by a membrane; they are blood parasites transmitted among species of birds or mammals by tsetse flies. The slide is a blood smear; note RBC (R), WBC (W) and trypanosomes (T).
Phylum Rhizopoda (Sarcodina)
The distinctive feature for this group of protozoans is the use of pseudopods for locomotion; pseudopods are lobes of cytoplasm that push out from the body of the cell. Some species possess tests (tiny shells), but the cells themselves have no fixed shape.
Amoeba: This organism is fairly large for a single cell. It has an obvious nucleus (N) and pseudopods (P); vacuoles (V) are often visible, and the cytoplasm appears grainy.
Foraminifera: These organisms, which capture food and locomote using pseudopods, are most easily distinguished by their tests, which are bilaterally symmetrical and often resemble tiny snail shells. The slide is of empty shells.
Phylum Sporozoa
This group consists entirely of endoparasites, which have no locomotor structures and frequently reproduce via multiple fission and a complex life cycle. An example is:
Eimeria: This is a gut parasite of mammals. The slide shows numerous parasite cells (E) in the gut lining (G).
Phylum Ciliophora
This is the largest group of protozoans; they are clearly the most complex structurally, and probably behaviorally as well. They are distinguished by the presence of cilia, which are frequently relatively short and abundant; cilia are best distinguished by their mode of action which is oar-like on the power stroke and limp on the recovery stroke. They also possess complex nuclei.
Stentor: This is a filter-feeding ciliate, which generally feeds attached to the substrate in a funnel-shaped form, but can release from the substrate and adopt various forms to swim to another locale. It has a large, segmented nucleus, which looks like a string of beads (N).
Didinium: This is a one-celled predator (D)! They feed on paramecium, (P) which are typically larger than themselves; after attacking, they swallow them whole. They have a large, ribbon-shaped nucleus and their cilia are restricted to a few bands.
Paramecium: Shaped something like a slipper footprint, these are entirely covered with cilia. They have one macronucleus (N) and two or more micronuclei; the latter are exchanged during conjugation - their form of sexual reproduction. Two different slides demonstrate both fission (asexual) and conjugation (sexual). A paramecium undergoing fission shows the transverse fission plane (F) and dividing nucleus (N). Two pairs of paramecium are engaged in conjugation.
Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Plantae
Plants are eukaryotic, multi-cellular autotrophs that possess chlorophyll and cell walls of cellulose. Life cycle includes alternation of generations, with a dependent embryo.
Bryophytes are now considered to be three separate phyla of non-vascular plants. Bryophytes are terrestrial, but compared to truly terrestrial plants they do not possess real vascular tissue, although some like some Phaeophyta have cells that inefficiently conduct water and dissolved materials. True mosses, liverworts and hornworts comprise the three recognizable groups of bryophytes.
Moss structures
Moss capsule (l.s.): The spore capsule is the major portion of the sporophyte stage in the moss life cycle. It develops from a fertilized egg, on a stalk on top of the female moss gametophyte. A large sporangium (S) containing spores (P) surrounds the central core of the capsule. A cap on top opens for spore dispersal.
Moss antheridium (l.s.): The antheridium (M) is the reproductive structure of the male gametophyte stage of the moss life cycle. Antheridia, which produce many motile sperm, are located at the tip of the individual male plant.
Moss archegonium (l.s.): The archegonium (F) is the reproductive structure of the female gametophyte stage of the moss life cycle. Archegonia, each of which produces an egg (E), are located at the tip of the individual female plant.
Phylum Lycophyta includes the club mosses. Though vascular, modern club mosses are not terribly significant plants (in terms of either species diversity, abundance or size); during the coal-forming period, several hundred million years ago, however, there were tree-like lycopods. The dominant stage of the life cycle is the sporophyte, and the strobilus is a vaguely cone-like structure that contains the sporangia. The stems have vascular tissue, but are otherwise rather simply constructed; the leaves are not very well developed (microphylls).
Club moss structures
Lycopodium stem (c.s.): The stem contains bundles of vascular tissue. Xylem cells (X) are larger than the phloem cells (P), and they are surrounded mainly by pith-like parenchyma cells and wrapped in epidermis. The structure resembles that of the ferns, though the arrangement of tissues is different.
Lycopodium strobilus (l.s.) Strobilus is a sort of cone-like structure. Spores (E) are produced in the sporangia (G), the chambers attached to top of the fertile (modified) leaves arranged around the vascular core (C).
Phylum Pterophyta includes ferns, truly vascular plants with leaves of the most highly developed type (megaphylls). The fern life cycle, with its non-vascular gametophyte stage, and complex leaves, usually arising from an underground stem (or rhizome), are characteristic of the group. Ferns are the most complex non-seed-bearing plants.
Fern structures
Leaflet with sorus: Although some fern sporophytes consist of really obvious modified leaves for producing their spores, most species have inconspicuous structures, sori (U), on the undersides of their typical leaves. Often the shape or location of these structures is useful in identifying fern species. Here, one can observe the sporangia (G) full of spores (E) within the sorus.
Stem: The underground stem (or rhizome) of ferns has a reasonably complex structure. Vascular bundles (V) of xylem and phloem and strands of sclerenchyma cells (S), both with much thickened cell walls, function in support in some ferns. They are scattered among simpler, pith cells (P).
Fern gametophyte (prothallium): The non-vascular gametophyte (G) stage of the fern life cycle produces antheridia (M) and archegonia, which produce motile sperm cells and non-motile egg cells, respectively. A fertilized egg, or zygote, produces a young sporophyte (S), which grows out of the gametophyte. At higher magnification, vascular tissue (V) can be seen in the young sporophyte.
Phylum Coniferophyta are seed-bearing vascular plants that possess "naked" seeds (i.e., without protection from the ovary or fruit), and scale-like or needle-like leaves. Many, but not all, are evergreen; many are found in habitats that are at least occasionally quite cold or quite dry.
Conifer structures
Leaf (needle) cross-section: Although conifer needles look much different than flowering plant leaves, they do have generally the same structure. An epidermis (E) covers the surface of the needle and a vascular bundle (V) lies in the center. Much of the volume of the leaf is the photosynthetic region, the mesophyll (M), which usually also contains one or more pitch ducts (P).
Female strobilus (ovulate cone): The female reproductive structures take more than one year to mature in most conifers. By the second year in a pine tree, the cone is small but clearly visible, and microscopic examination reveals the following cone structure: cone scale (S), ovule (O) and vascular core (V).
Male strobilus (pollen cone) The male reproductive structures develop in a single year. The cone is small and contains several sporangia (S) or pollen chambers, where the copious pollen (P), typical of wind-pollinated plants, is produced. A vascular core (V) is present here, too.
Phylum Anthophyta are seed-bearing vascular plants in which seeds protected by the modified ovary or fruit. Their most obvious unique trait is the involvement of flowers in sexual reproduction. Anthophytes have been traditionally divided into two groups.
Monocotyledons form a true clade, i.e., all are descended from a common ancestor. Grasses, lilies and orchids are three of the more familiar families belonging to this group. Monocot characteristics include having flower parts in threes, generally elongate leaves with parallel veins (vascular tissue), and vascular bundles scattered throughout the stem.
Monocot structures
Allium root tip (l.s.): Even though onions are monocots, the root tip is like that of dicots in its basic structure. Notice that there are three zones of cells (division (D), elongation (G), and maturation (M)) behind a protective cap of thick-walled cells (R).
Zea mays root (c.s.): As a typical monocot root , the corn root has a more organized arrangement of tissues than does its stem. An epidermis (E) covers a thick layer of cortex cells (C), used for storage; inside this, bounded by an endodermis (N), is a vascular core of xylem (X) and phloem (L), with pith at the center (P). Compare to the dicot root.
Zea mays stem (c.s.): As a typical monocot stem, the corn stem does not have a very organized arrangement of tissues (especially compared to dicots). Most of the cells in the corn stem are thin-walled pith cells (P), with the vascular bundles, containing xylem (X) and phloem (L), scattered throughout the stem; epidermis (E) covers the outside of the stem.
Dicotyledons do not make up a true clade, but share many common characteristics.
Dicot structures
Tilia two-year old stem (c.s.) Basswood, a deciduous tree, has a woody stem, which results from secondary growth produced by the lateral meristem or cambium (U). Like any meristem, this is a region of dividing cells, which is how the secondary tissues, both xylem (X) and phloem (L), are produced. The most recent year's growth of xylem and phloem is adjacent to the cambium , and the concentric rings of xylem (tree rings) in seasonal ecosystems allow one to age a tree. In such a young stem, one can see an outer layer of epidermis (E) and pith (P) cells at the stem's center.
Ranunculus root (c.s.) Buttercups have a root structure typical of herbaceous dicots . The xylem (X) and phloem (L), form a central, vascular core , surrounded by the endodermis (N). The largest portion of the root lies outside this core, and consists of cortex (C) cells, which store starch in the plastids seen filling the cells. An epidermis (E) covers the outside.
Coleus stem tip (l.s.) A plant grown for its decorative foliage, the tip of a Coleus stem shows the apical meristem (A), bud meristems (B) and leaf primordia (F). Although none of the cells near the stem tip have matured, they will become the primary tissues seen in stem cross sections.
Leaf The basic structure of a leaf , seen in cross section, includes both upper (U) and lower (W) epidermis, as well as the mesophyll comprising the bulk of the leaf. The epidermal cells appear empty, and are not photosynthetic; you may see stomata and guard cells in the lower. The mesophyll has an upper, regularly arranged palisade (S) layer and an irregular spongy (Y) layer, and includes veins (V). Veins contain xylem (X) and phloem (L) surrounded by sheath (H) cells. A surface view of the epidermis shows the irregular-shaped epidermal cells (E), with their breathing structures, stoma (O), protected by guard cells (Z).
Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Fungi
Fungi are eukaryotic, mostly multi-cellular heterotrophs; their cells possess walls, mostly of chitin, although the chains of cells (termed hyphae) are frequently not completely separated from each other by a wall. Hyphae should be visible in almost any slide.
Phylum Zygomycota These are often called bread molds, and such species are common and typical. These fungi are identified by being haploid without motility in any stage.
Rhizopus This is a black bread mold; all molds found on bread are not necessarily this. The dark, spiky zygosporangium found between two suspensors is diagnostic; stalked sporangia, which produce spores, are usually also visible.
Phylum Ascomycota Although most species in this group are rather small, some fairly large forms look more or less mushroom-like. The distinguishing feature is that they reproduce by spores produced in an ascus, which is typically a tube- or vase-like structure containing eight ascospores.
Penicillium This is the type of fungus that produces penicillin; frequently found on spoiled fruit. Branching conidiophores are a distinguishing feature. Peziza This group represents one of the more mushroom-like ascomycotans. There are lots of species in this genus, most resembling a saucer with upturned edges; the asci are usually on the upper (inner) spore-producing surface (S). Hyphae (H), and asci (A) with eight ascospores (8) are easily seen.
Phylum Basidiomycota Most of the species that you would think of as mushrooms or mushroom-like organisms belong to this group. Spores produced on a basidium, a microscopic fist-shaped structure located on the reproductive surface of the fruiting body, are diagnostic.
Puccinia This is a rust that infects wheat. It has a complex life cycle involving several recognizable stages/forms, and a secondary host, barberry. We will see the aecia stage on a barberry leaf; it is haploid.
Coprinus Named for its habit of occurring on dung, some species are delicious. This is a rather typical mushroom, except that species of this group self-digest soon after the spores ripen. It is a gilled mushroom, and the basidia occur on the gills (G), located on the underside of the cap of the fruiting body or basidiocarp (C). On high power, the basidia (B) and basidiospores (S) are easily seen.
Lichens are not just fungi, but a symbiotic pairing of a fungus and some type of algae or cyanobacteria (green algae and cyanobacteria are most common). The fact that they are often as large as most macroscopic fungi, and frequently abundant in certain ecosystems, makes having a way to classify them more useful than, e.g., the ecologically similar, but microscopic symbiotic mycorrhizae. When identified, the fungal component is more likely to be an ascomycotan, although basidiomycotans also form lichens.
lichen The symbiosis is fairly obvious as the algal cells (A) are easily seen enmeshed in the fungal hyphae (H); you can also see where the lichen was attached to the substrate (D). At lower power, the general structure is more apparent.
Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Animalia
Unlike Protista, Fungi, and Plantae, there is little argument about what groups are placed in this kingdom. Animals are multi-cellular heterotrophs, whose cells have no cell wall and individuals of which are usually motile or have motile structures. Except for Porifera, animals generally have cells that clearly fit into one of the four basic tissue types: epithelium, connective, muscle and nerve.
Phylum Porifera
The sponges are characterized by having no tissues and a body of only two cell layers (diploblastic). Although there are three levels of complexity of sponge bodies, and sponge bodies are supported by a variety of materials, the basic body plan of a sponge is that a layer of flat cells is on the outside and a layer of flagella-bearing cells is on the inside, surrounding a hollow chamber, the spongocoel. The beating flagella move water through pore-shaped cells, into the spongocoel, and out an opening (osculum); this allows the sponge to filter-feed. An example is:
This slide shows cross sections of a sponge of intermediate complexity. You can see the radial canals (R) radiate outward from the spongocoel (S); incurrent canals (I) allow water in from the environment to the porocytes. With a good slide, you may see pointed spicules or recognize the two cell layers.
Phylum Cnidaria
The cnidarians, which include the hydroids, jellyfish, corals and sea anemones, are characterized by having two tissue layers (outer = epithelio-muscle layer; inner = gastrodermis); two body forms (polyp is a cylinder with dorsal tentacles around the mouth, and is normally sedentary; medusa is an umbrella-shaped, free-swimming form with marginal or ventral tentacles); a gastrovascular cavity (or incomplete digestive system = one opening); and, especially, stinging cells. Most are marine; many are colonial. Examples of various forms can be seen in:
This species typically occurs as a connected colony of individual polyps produced asexually by budding. Gastrozooids (F) possess tentacles (T) and are specialized for feeding; they also possess a gastrovascular cavity (G). Gonozooids (R) are specialized for reproduction (budding, which produces tiny medusae (M)). The free-living medusa form is the sexual stage; reproductive organs (O) are not visible in immature medusae, but are in mature medusae.
Phylum Platyhelminthes
This phylum contains the free-living flatworms (e.g., planarians) and the parasitic flukes and tapeworms. The most obvious identifying feature of this phylum is the flat, ribbon-like shape of these worms. They do not have a body cavity of any sort between their body wall and their internal organs. Most have a digestive system in the form of a gastrovascular cavity; tapeworms have no digestive system. Many species in this group of worms are parasitic; they are hermaphrodites. Examples are:
This is a fairly common aquatic scavenger; it has its mouth in the middle of its ventral surface. An injected specimen shows the extent of the gastrovascular cavity (G), which extends in all directions from the pharynx (P); eye spots (E) are also visible. A cross section of a planarian clearly shows the acoelomate condition, with no space between the body wall (B) and the internal organs; the epidermis (S) is also visible.
This tapeworm shows the body form typical of this group of parasites. The scolex (S) is at the "head" end and possesses hooks and suckers for attaching to the gut wall of its host. What appear to be segments (but are more like individual members of a colony) are termed proglottids (P). These do contain such structures as nerves and excretory organs, but are primarily packages of reproductive structures; mature proglottids are mostly filled with eggs (E).
Phylum Nematoda
This phylum contains the roundworms; there are free-living forms as well as parasites of both animals and plants. They have no readily seen unique characters beyond their smooth, round, worm-shaped body; internally, they have a pseudocoelom in which their organs float freely. They have a complete digestive system, the least complex group of animals to have one. There are separate males and females; females are larger than males.
These are simple intestinal roundworms. In both the male and the female, one can see the body wall (B), various sections of the reproductive system (R), the digestive system (G), and the cuticle (C), which serves as a protective coating for the body. Males exhibit a sperm duct (S) with sperm, whereas females have a uterus (U) filled with eggs.
Phylum Rotifera
These animals, too, are pseudocoelomate, and were once grouped in the same phylum as nematodes. Though the size of many protists, they are complex animals with several organ systems, including a complete digestive tract. They have a coronal ring of cilia at the anterior end, surrounding their mouths.
At their posterior end, rotifers have a foot (F) which allows them to attach to the substrate for feeding. They possess a muscular grinding structure, the mastax (M), between their mouth and stomach (S); also visible are the ovary (O) and coronal cilia (C).
Phylum Annelida
These are the only group of segmented worms; the segmentation is externally obvious as a series of rings along the body. They have complete digestion, a closed circulatory system, a ventral nerve cord, a nephridial excretory system, and a true body cavity or eucoelom. An example is:
The earthworm is fairly typical of one class of annelids. A cross section of the worm allows a view of the basic structure of most of the body. The intestine (I) is most obvious, with the typhlosole (T) protruding into the lumen (inner space). Also visible are the dorsal artery (A) and the ventral nerve cord (N), above and below the intestine, respectively; the muscles of the body wall (B) are quite obvious.
Phylum Arthropoda
Arthropods are characterized by a segmented body covered by an exoskeleton and possessing jointed appendages. This is a very diverse group, and the most advanced group of protostomes. It contains several subphyla and classes.
Class Arachnida
These are members of the subphylum Chelicerata, so named for possessing fang-like chelicerae rather than mandibles (true jaws). Arachnids are distinguished by having four pairs of walking legs, although many have a pair of rather leg-like chelipeds which may be used in feeding or prey capture; they also have the head and thorax body regions fused as a cephalothorax. Examples are:
Only vaguely looking like scorpions, these have "pinchers" at the ends of their large chelipeds but do not possess the sting at the end of the abdomen, however. Note cephalothorax (T), abdomen (A), four pair of legs (L), chelipeds (P) and chelicerae (F). A close-up of the cheliped shows the "pinchers."
Class Insecta
Any arthropod with wings must be an insect. Except for a few immature arachnids, anything with six legs (hexapod) is an insect. This group is extremely diverse. Examples include ants and fleas.
Class Crustacea
Technically, crustaceans are distinguished by two pair of antennae. Practically, an abundance of legs or appearance like crayfish, shrimp or crabs is usually your best bet; they possess gills, though some are terrestrial. An example is Gammarus.