Careers in History

A degree in history provides students with a variety of valuable and marketable skills. Historians not only learn to ask the right questions, they learn how to find the answers and how to communicate their findings effectively--they are trained analysts, researchers, and communicators. As a result, history majors often develop careers in fields such as law, education, journalism, information management, historic preservation, government, and business. So, don't assume that if you major in history your options are limited to teaching.

To learn more about the possible career opportunities open to people with a History degree, check out this page:

More resources:
The Chronicle of Higher Education is the central clearing house for jobs in higher education, including postings from the highest to lowest levels, teaching and non-teaching. The website offers the latest listings only for subscribers. Otherwise the postings for the non-paying public are a week or two old. OSU Lima subscribes. Ask a faculty member to see a hard copy.
This is the leading free job posting site for our profession--most are positions for PhD's but there are some postings for lower degrees--like jobs offered by the CIA! Listings are richest in the fall.
Ohio State History Department graduate studies web page.

Print Resources:

Stephen Lambert and Julie DeGalan. Great Jobs for History Majors. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2001. ISBN 0658010611

Facts on File. Top Careers For History Graduates. New York: Ferguson Publishing Company, 2004. ISBN 081605567X