Stanley E. Blake
Associate Professor
Contact: 567-242-7133 -
A.B. 1990 Bowdoin College, M.A. 1995 State University of New York at Stony Brook, Ph.D. 2001 State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Professor Blake specializes in modern Brazilian and Latin American history. His research interests include race and national identity in Latin America, Latin American political and economic history, and the history of medicine and public health in the Americas. In 2011 he published The Vigorous Core of Our Nationality: Race and Regional Identity in Northeastern Brazil. This work explores conceptualizations of regional identity and a distinct population group known as nordestinos in northeastern Brazil during a crucial historical period. It also examines the ways in which this identity reflected the region’s changing economic and political position within the nation in the aftermath of the abolition of slavery. Another recent publication is “The Medicalization of Nordestinos: Public Health and Regional Identity in Northeastern Brazil 1889-1930,” which appeared in The Americas.
The courses Professor Blake teaches include surveys of Latin American history, World history, the history of Brazil, the history of Mexico, U.S.-Latin American relations, and the social history of medicine. He was the recipient of the OSU Lima Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award in 2012.