Nan Arbuckle Writing Award

The English Department awards the Nan Arbuckle Writing Prize annually to a student at Ohio State Lima for creative writing. The prize is organized by the literary journal Hog Creek Hardin and adjudicated by Ohio State Lima staff and faculty judges. Students may enter by following directions below; all students who submit work to the literary journal Hog Creek Hardin are entered unless they elect to opt out. The prize was not awarded during 2023-24 academic year. 

Students may enter with poetry, short fiction, or creative nonfiction. There are no format or category restrictions. Please submit 3-7 poems. Short fiction and creative nonfiction should be less than ~4,000 words. 
Deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2025. The Arbuckle Award is a $400.00 dollar scholarship and is presented at the commencement ceremony at Ohio State Lima. 

Please submit written work directly in email, or by attachment, preferably in Microsoft Word (if you need another submission route, please contact advisor), to one of our editors or advisor:
Evelyn Meyer Editor
Nicole Pohlman Editor
Timothy Cheeseman Advisor