Physics Resources

Here are a few interesting webpages. If you know of others, please let me know, so that I can link them.

If you are interested in the "stuff we are made of", you probably will enjoy The Particle Adventure and the ABCs of Nuclear Science. Other good sites deal with History and Fate of the Universe.

Physics Department in Columbus

American Physical Society (APS)

Physics Central: Site for the General Public run by APS:

Physics Simulations that will run in your browser:

Physics Nobel Laureates - complete list

Lima Nobel Quiz Question: Who is the Physics Nobel Prize Winner who grew up in Lima? William A. Fowler.

How Things Work - explanations of many everyday objects: radios, flashlights etc

The Society of Physics Students has a nice webpage.

Physics Central - popular articles on physics, from the American Physical Society (APS)

If you are interested in the latest data on the properties of elementary particles, take a look at the pages of the Particle Data Group.

Disclaimer: The links above are given for information purposes only. Listing these links does not imply that I or Ohio State support any opinions expressed therein.