Contact Us

If you have questions about Counseling Services or you would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to call or email one of our staff members.

Samantha Haudenschield 567-242-7158

Schedule an appointment

You may also stop in the Ohio State Lima Counseling and Consultation Services offices, located in Galvin Hall room 107.


Photo of  Dr. Samantha Haudenschield

Dr. Samantha Haudenschield, Coordinator

Licensed Psychologist 

If you are in need of immediate assistance after normal business hours, you may call 614-292-5766 to speak with someone. This number is answered 24 hours a day.

If you are in need of immediate help, feel you’re in danger of harming yourself or someone else, or are feeling suicidal, please contact one or more of the following:

* We Care Crisis Center – 24/7 phone assistance or walk-in care 
799 S. Main St., Lima, OH 
1-800-567-HOPE (4673) 
* National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8

* 9-1-1