Drop-In Consultations

**NEW**Let’s Talk Consultations – informal mental health consultations on a first-come, first-served basis. It’s FREE and CONFIDENTIAL and open to all currently registered Ohio State Lima students. It's a great option for students who may not need traditional counseling, but who could benefit from one-on-one support and consultation.

Let’s Talk sessions are available various times, Monday through Friday via Zoom or by phone.  Sign up here: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/LetsTalkScheduling@buckeyemail.osu.edu/bookings/ 

What to Expect

  • If you sign up for a Zoom meeting, a link will be sent to your OSU email address to join the meeting.  If you sign up for a phone meeting, a counselor will call the phone number you provided at the meeting time. 
  • One-on-one, 15 to 20-minute informal consultations with staff from Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS)
  • No paperwork is needed ahead of time (minimal demographic information will be gathered for the purpose of tracking our delivery of service).
  • New insight and solutions to your problems and information about other resources on and off campus


  • Let’s Talk is an informal consultation only. Let’s Talk is not counseling.
  • Let’s Talk conversations are not part of students’ releasable records.
  • Although Let's Talk consultants are mental health professionals, Let's Talk consultations do not constitute mental health treatment.
  • Limits to confidentiality - When there is an immediate threat of harm to you or others, Let's Talk counselors are required by law to report this. When a minor, vulnerable adult, or animal is being abused, Let's Talk consultants are also required by law to report this.
  • If your Let's Talk consultant assesses that you could benefit from a higher level of care, every effort will be made to refer you to other appropriate resources at the university and the surrounding community.